Tag Archives: Tapping

When You Think God Doesn’t Want You To Be Happy

People who do EFT rarely talk about the problems caused by religion because it seems insensitive and incorrect but I want to discuss anyway. Religion can play with people’s minds in a deep way that interferes with the results they can get with tapping.

I have no ax to grind about religion. I wasn’t abused by nuns, priests, rabbis, shamans or evangelists. Most of the time, religion doesn’t even come up when tapping. But sometimes when it does, it’s a miserable obstacle. Religion locks minds to absolutes and fixed ways of thinking that subvert critical and logical thinking in ways that may interfere with mental and emotional healing. In order to heal, you have to change and tapping can lead to the necessary changes but those can’t happen when religious indoctrination stands in the way.

I had a client who was a devout Christian. He was troubled because he didn’t want to go to heaven. We talked a lot about his beliefs about God and heaven. He sincerely believed heaven was a place in the clouds where you sat around playing harps and praying all the time. He feared eternal boredom. Bored in heaven. In heaven there is no beer. Heaven is boring. God doesn't want me to be happy By the way, this concept of Heaven is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible. He picked up this concept of heaven through pop culture. He also believed none of his good friends were going to make it to heaven because they were all such sinners. He didn’t want to spend eternity without them. He could be good and go to heaven and be bored and lonely forever. Or he could sin and achieve eternal damnation and spend eternity with his friends. This was an enormously pressing and vexing dilemma for him.

I asked him to describe God for me. He told me God is a loving father and creator. We tapped on “Even though I have this fear my loving God will sentence me to eternal boredom…” That didn’t produce much change.

We reframed the problem and reworded the setup phrase a number of times but he wasn’t feeling much better.

After a number of tapping sessions, (not rounds but hour long sessions.) he finally budged a little. Very little. We found some relief with the setup phrase “Even though I can’t trust an infinitely creative and loving God to do what’s best for me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” This created a bit of constructive cognitive dissonance. He realized the absurdity of the phrase by tapping on it. As he tapped, he began to trust God more although he still had his concerns about eternity and the boredom he was sure he faced. But at least he was able to change a little bit.

Very occasionally religious beliefs impede progress in a session but EFT should never be used as a way to subvert anybody’s religious beliefs. I have yet to work with anybody whose religion worshiped a God who doesn’t want people to be happy and healthy so if you think God wants you to be miserable and doesn’t want you to be healed of your problems, tap on it.

For more information about EFT, buy my ebook, Transform Your Life With EFT from Amazon.

It is also available in other formats for other ereaders from Smashwords.

My latest book, Manifesting From The Heart: Using Heart Energy to Achieve Reality Transformation is now out. If you have wondered why the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to work for you, this book could have the answers you are looking for.

Manifesting From The Heart is also available in other formats from Smashwords.

Five Tips For Stress Relief

Stress is a physical condition that can have immediate and long-term effects on your health and wellbeing. Some transient stress is OK and even healthy for you. You are under stress when you first get behind the wheel or when you are at bat at the bottom of the ninth and the winning run is on third. Life without that kind of stress would be boring. But prolonged, unrelenting stress is harmful to you. We live in a world where it’s way too common to be stuck at a job or relationship you hate, or you are never getting enough sleep or you struggle to make enough money just to survive. But even the rich and well-rested aren’t immune from stress.
Common symptoms of stress include:

  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Headaches.
  • Stiff or tight muscles.
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Back and neck pain.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Profuse sweating and sweaty palms.
  • Stomach pains

Here are five tips to find relief from stress.

Turn off the TV: Sitting in front of the TV might seem like a great way to veg out but if you are watching the news, cop shows or even medical dramas, you are experiencing stress into your body. The shows wouldn’t be any fun if you didn’t have some emotional response when you watch them but that emotional response is actually stress. When you watch a stressful TV show, you r body produces, cortisol, the same hormone as you do when you go through a stressful experience yourself.

Take a walk: Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress hormones is by walking. A twenty minute walk a couple times a day gives you the chance to burn off stress. Exercising also strengthens your heart, lungs and immune system which strengthen your ability to handle stress in the future.

Meditate: Taking time to quiet your mind and empty of thought is one way to give your body a break from stress. It’s is easy to learn and costs nothing to do beyond a class or book that teaches you the techniques. And you can even learn how to do it on the web. The benefits of meditation are well documented and go beyond simple stress relief.

Help somebody: Like meditation, making someone else the focus of your attention takes your mind off your own stress. Volunteer somewhere. Teach inner city kids how to read. Walk dogs at your local animal shelter. Coach your son’s little league team. Find a cause and give your time to it. You can be sure some charity or organization in your city or town is looking for your help.

Have an active social life: Happy people spend more time with their friends than unhappy people. When you are happy, you won’t feel stressed. And when you get together with your friends, don’t spend the evening bitching about how much life sucks. Have fun.

Dance: Getting yourself lost in music and movement combines the benefits of walking and meditation into one activity. Dance your heart out when nobody is watching . You could also take a dance class which would combine the benefits of meditating, walking and having an active social life.

And a bonus sixth step.

Learn EFT: This simple method can significantly reduce the amount of stress in your life as well as how you react to stress-inducing situations. For complete tapping directions as well as more ways to use EFT, read my book, Transform Your Life With EFT from Amazon.

It is also available in other formats for other ereaders from Smashwords.